Hotel Diplomat & Villa Dagmar
Created illustrations for use as Instagram highlight covers for Hotel Diplomat & Villa Dagmar. 
A version of the Illustration of Hotel Diplomat without the red color was included as part of a simple coloring book for children at Hotel Diplomat. 
Kyrkbackens Lantgård
Created a logo for Kyrkbackens Lantgård.
I asked them what they thought of my digital sketch ideas so I could continue to work more detailed on one and they decided they liked one of them just the way it was. 
Some of the sketches are presented below.

Kyrkbackens Lantgård logo

Created a logo for WeCombinePeople.
I sketched on a few logo ideas and the one that went on to become the finished logo was the one they had an idea on from the beginning. If it feels right, it's right!

The idea is that the looping lines represent that they connect people.
 Fight For Women
I volunteered to help design a logo for the charity organization Fight For Women, this was the result.
The idea behind the logo, without text, is that it represents two letter F and one letter W to stand for FFW, Fight For Women.
Cecilia Olsson
In case you were interested, I thought I would present my own logo.
The first part of the logo looks like a C where the design is based on a shutter. The second part is shaped like a sail and the thought is that it creates an O with the first part. 
The logo represents that I enjoy solving problems and capturing moments.
The three ropes in the sail represents my background in media and communications, digital design and software development.
Student Associations
A collection of a few things I created while active in different Student Associations at Linköping university

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